Healthy Minds Stockport

Stockport Healthy Minds is for people over the age of 16 years who are registered with a GP in the Stockport Area.

We offer support and treatment for those experiencing common mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, and presenting with symptoms such as difficulty sleeping, low mood/depression, stress, worry or anxiety, feelings of hopelessness or panic attacks.

The service can also help those dealing with the effects of a long term health problem or chronic pain, Post Natal Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, specific phobias or disordered eating.

The Healthy Minds Service in Stockport is a NON-URGENT Psychological Therapy service for mild to moderate common mental health difficulties

If there is any immediate and/or significant risk, or concerns regarding more complex/severe and enduring mental health problems please telephone the Mental Health Access Team on 0161 419 4678 to discuss your referral.


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